Yeah, they just think Jews are in control of pornography and forcing immigration to destroy the white race. What’s with them relating Jews to anything? They’re just racist fucks. Jews are no different Top Welcome To My World Bitch Jack Skellington Halloween Shirt. But we shouldn’t discriminate for it unless they start using their religious beliefs as excuses for acting like complete idiots. I saw your comment and thought, “It can’t be THAT bad”…I was so very wrong. At first, I thought what I was looking at was satire. Again, super wrong. I dived in a couple of days ago. Argued for hours until I finally got to the people telling. Then I was permabanned for “brigading”. Wow-what an absolute shit hole of a sub. So good. So happy. Thank you so much. Then it’s really a nice shirt for all men and women. So you should buy this shirt.
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A gamergate style attempts to recruit young people into fascist movements. Because it’s just a fetish. Sexuality doesn’t exist and is made up of Jews. All these transsexuality, homosexuality, etc. are just legitimized perversions. It got Top Welcome To My World Bitch Jack Skellington Halloween Shirt. That is the most hateful sub I have seen and not at all based in the religious teachings. Some really sad extremists populate that into a wild echo chamber of misguidance. I am a catholic and proudly so. But that sub does not represent anything that I believe. Here’s a compilation of Catholic sex abuse news stories just from the month of November. No credit is due to me on this, I’m just pasting the link. The Church is making changes, but not as fast as I think anyone wants.
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