Congress had better get a completely unredacted copy. And the public had better get everything unredacted except for personal names. If it doesn’t happen now it will happen in October 2020 right before the election. There is a 100% certainty the report will turn out to have extensive evidence of obstruction of justice and some evidence of collusion. Barr’s ‘Top Wouldn’t Be Caught Dead With Ted Shirt than useless because. He was only hired to cover for Trump. So at this point, we know absolutely nothing as far as any ‘summary. But it will all come out eventually. Yes, this is a critical national security issue. Only congress can judge what the report means since Barr was hired specifically to cover for Trump. So if Congress doesn’t get an unredacted copy, they should impeach Trump for obstruction of justice.
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And if Trump tried to hide this, it will just get leaked anyway, possibly shortly before the election. It is going to come out sooner or later. Also, congress has its own investigation of Trump, and they’ve already uncovered plenty on Trump’s crimes. If the full un-redacted report gets leaked, you can expect that whoever leaked it, and whoever received it will be going to prison. Both ends have signed memorandums of understanding that this is illegal. Yes but he Top Wouldn’t Be Caught Dead With Ted Shirt did. Trump has told more than 9000 lies since taking office. Sure. Trump has probably committed many other crimes listed in the report. Congress for sure needs the entire report to make an accurate assessment of what is in it. The public may not need the names, but needs to know everything else.
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