Drakes Cakes are awesome but yodels have changed, the chocolate coating is waxy like Debbiecakes. Ring Dings are primo tho youre right. Have you tried Tastycakes? I grew up near one of the wonderbread factories. It would smell soooo good on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and the twinkies Warning This Nurse Doesn’T Play Stupid People Shirt I never understood why they never tasted the same from anywhere else. The factory was shut down and rebuilt into a residential/mall area years ago. I still don’t eat twinkies out of pure disappointment. and Random story…my Dad worked for Hostess back in the early ’70s as a delivery guy to convenience stores. He told me when there were damage boxes instead of throwing them out. I’m a fat bastard that loves snack cakes, pies and anything similar to that.
Warning This Nurse Doesn’T Play Stupid People Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt And Hoodie
I did notice that…something has been off about Hostess snacks since they went bankrupt and subsequently revived however many years ago. I remember Twinkies being so good and delicious, and now they’re just…not for some reason. I don’t know why though. I can’t tell if it’s something with the ingredients they use now or a change in the recipe but it tastes off nowadays. Regarding Warning This Nurse Doesn’T Play. Stupid People Shirt, I personally taste-tested and compared Ding Dongs to Drake’s version, Ring Dings. The Drake’s stuff was so much better. Again, I don’t know what changed exactly. But nonetheless, I don’t buy Hostess stuff anymore and go for either Drake’s or Tastykake. When they were bought, things like butter were replaced with shortening making everything taste awful. I miss crocodiles. Kudos had a small amount of granola in them, Pop-Tarts have “fruit”, and sugary cereal is “part of a balanced breakfast”.
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