Hey, it’s really hard reading through English history Wikipedia articles, copying them verbatim but changing the names to slightly different ones, and publishing it all. It takes like, an hour dude, gives him a break! While I’m Witch Children Stay Free Sanderson Bed And Breakfast East 1693 Salem Shirt. Mhm is that work on two history books, short stories, several other tv shows, and wrote the lore for a whole video game? And after four whole seasons of not writing for the show, it still has nothing to show. Oh yes very demanding. Even if the books remain incomplete forever, I am still thankful for having read Martin’s story. It is an epic, unique saga, and knowing these characters has been a pleasure. It would be very sad to not see the series finish, but its better to have experienced 5/7 of it than nothing. So good. So happy. Thank you so much.
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But this isn’t some random dude selling something. So this is a coworker of his wife who probably assumed it was a happy coincident to know somebody Witch Children Stay Free Sanderson Bed And Breakfast East 1693 Salem Shirts who trusted him and didn’t do so for personal gain. Not illegal, but 100% asshole. Yeah, it takes no time at all. It’s a sad story that this came after someone passed but if you’re not in the mental space for a few minutes of google searching don’t sell things yet. OP definitely took advantage of the guy’s ignorance but the seller is 100% responsible for his actions and mistake. So good. So happy. Thank you so much. Ok.
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